A curated list of useful websites and services that I’ve come across and found valuable.

Development & Programming

  • Hugo: A fast and modern static site generator.
  • Streamlit: An app framework for machine learning and data science.
  • Replit: Online platform for coding in multiple programming languages.
  • Codewars: Improve your coding skills by solving coding challenges.
  • Compiler Explorer: An interactive compiler tool.
  • Refactoring Guru: Design patterns, anti-patterns, and refactoring techniques.
  • Netlify: Build, deploy, and manage modern web projects.
  • nHost: Backend and infrastructure for modern apps.
  • Hasura: Instant GraphQL APIs on any database.
  • SurrealDB: Multi-model database.
  • Wasabi: Affordable cloud storage.
  • Deta Space: The personal cloud computer.

AI & Machine Learning

  • KoboldCPP: A simple one-file way to run various GGML models with KoboldAI’s UI.
  • Kaggle: Platform for predictive modeling and analytics competitions.
  • Hugging Face: Hub for NLP models and datasets.
  • fast.ai: Making deep learning easier to use.
  • Paperspace: A cloud computing platform offering GPU-accelerated virtual machines, designed for machine learning, data science, and graphics-intensive tasks.
  • Poe: Fast, helpful AI Chat.
  • Civitai: The home of open-source generative AI.

Economics & Management

  • Grape: Research in applied economics.
  • re:Work (with Google): Sharing practices, research, and tools from Google.
  • Manifold Markets: Manifold is the largest prediction market platform. Bet on news, politics, science, AI, and more.
  • Metaculus: A community dedicated to generating accurate predictions about future real-world events.

Productivity & Organization

  • Obsidian: A powerful knowledge base on plain text Markdown files.
  • Pocket: Save articles and videos for later.
  • Mural: A digital workspace for visual collaboration.
  • Milanote: Organize your ideas and projects.
  • Logical Increments: PC building guide for all budgets.

Audio & Video

Design & Color

Communication & Collaboration

  • Kialo: Engage in structured debates.
  • Keybase: Secure messaging and file sharing.

Lifestyle & Wellbeing

Tools & Utilities